Logan High School Wiki

The "minimum expectation" is the set of standards for all students to follow. All students in Logan High School follow these important standards (or at least are supposed to), which include following the rules, getting respectable grades, and attending school frequently. When students are able to meet these very high standards set for them, they are rewarded for their actions.

Academic Achievement Ceremony[]

The School District of La Crosse is pleased to honor students who manage to do what teachers expect of them. This basically means students are required to breathe, have a pulse, and be in class more often than not.

Academic Recognition Ceremony (ARC)[]

Note that this ceremony is different from the Academic Achievement Ceremony as the ARC is exclusive to Logan High School. In addition to having a GPA above 2.5, students who have the audacity of participating in co-circular clubs and organizations are rewarded.

Thank You[]

I would like to take a moment to thank the students who have set the bar so low for us other students. The students who miss class frequently, who struggle to maintain a grade-point-average above 1, who visit ISS daily. Without them, we would not be able to look so good in comparison. These are the true people who deserve a reward.
